Audrey Gotte
I have practiced Yoga in many various forms for most of my life...I've struggled with anxiety and a congenital heart condition that can be very debilitating brought on by many factors including stress. I found the only way to calmness and balance of my Soul and Spirit during these challenging times was through Yoga, Meditation and in more recent years the Ancient forms of Qi Gong. I have followed and studied under many modalities along the way with many different Spiritual practitioners along with a few Masters who have guided and gratefully helped me align myself to a path of my own choosing. My search led me to Marissa & YoQi during the Pandemic~ there I finally found a Sacred Loving Gentle Femininity that I was much looking for and needed. I am elated now more than ever to be on this exciting Journey~ achieving my dream of Being myself as a Spiritual Guide and QiGong Certified Teacher where I can share my love, experience and knowledge with the world. Much Love & Many Blessings
Qi Gong Flow, Yin and RestorativeYoga, Healing Love with Herbal Remedies, Body Talk, Reiki